So much to write, not enough time to write it in. I need to head off to Bible Study right now. It will be nice--coffee, pastry of some sort, prayer, friends, devotions. I am looking forward to it, really. I just wish I had an extra half hour BEFORE it started so that I can jot down a few things here first. Oh well.
Work is good. It's state testing time...two weeks where I feel really bad for the kids and hope and pray that I taught them everything they need to know to do well. I had an end of the year meeting with my principal today. It was nice. My students make me laugh.
Friends are good. I haven't seen as much of them as I'd like, but I guess I'll make it.
Marriage is good. I went to my friend's wedding in San Francisco this weekend. Sunny, blue day in Golden Gate Park. Turtles and ducks. It's nice to see the beginning of marriage. It gives me hope. Love is an amazing, incredible thing. Plus I got to stay in a gorgeous hotel.
God is good. His faithfulness amazes me everyday. Jesus brings a depth and passion to my life that I would sorely miss if he weren't in it.
Shopping is good. I went to H&M and bought cute stuff. I kamikaze shopped. It was sort of fun. I also got a new 12 inch nonstick, oven-safe skillet. It makes me happy to think of the possibilities.
Life is good.