Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Change is Coming?

Tuesday night was a memorable one, one of those "this is what life's all about" evenings. I am so thrilled that Obama is going to be our new President. I am hopeful that he can bring change and re-energize our country. It so needs a boost. Between war, environment, and economic crisis, we need a leader who has a fresh vision, charisma, and intelligence. I think Obama is that individual. Add to this the monumental, history-making fact that Obama will be our first African-American President! Indeed, change isn't's already here!

So Tuesday night, after devouring fish tacos with my girls, we headed to Vinoteca for a drink. Absent was the usual chatter of people talking as they sipped their Cabs and Pinots. Instead, we all sat staring at the television, listening intently to our future President. I got chills. I was filled with hope. I made a new friend who is going to mail me an audio copy of Dreams of My Father. She was one of those women with an amazing life story who are so engrossing and interesting to talk to. I talked politics with my girls. I look forward to one day telling my children (if I have them, otherwise my nieces and nephews...if I have them) about where I was and what my night was like the night Obama was elected.