Wednesday, December 03, 2008

love it

If there's one thing I love, love, love, it's music. I could spend hours wandering the aisles of CDs at Borders. I write down names of songs and bands I hear and like in my little notebook. Attending concerts is high on my list of favorite things to do. It is for this reason that I love the Special MP3 Deals on Right now they have 50 albums for $5 each, including new Coldplay, Death Cab, Beck, and many, many more. The Deal of the Day is even better. Currently it's T.I.'s new album (ehh), but I got new Keane for $1.99 and the new Snow Patrol for $2.99. That means for less than my Gingerbread (sorry...Gingersnap) latte at Starbucks, I can have hours of listening enjoyment. For once, Apple has been trumped.