Sunday, February 19, 2006

My entrance into dating

You'd think that by the age of twenty-five I would be more used to interactions with guys, but the truth of the matter is, I am not. All the recent Thursday nights out with the girls have led to my giving my number to a couple of guys. At the time of number distribution, I don't think much about it. It is later that the trouble begins for me. So last night when I had two different guys call me up within an hour and a half of each other, I flipped out. Anxiety basically took over. All the confidence I had at the bar originally talking to these guys is replaced by stress and an unsettling flipping of the stomach. I am excited, for the most part. But I think I've been shaking for the last two days. This is going to take some getting used to.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

about the blog...

So I have a bit of a problem. I love my blog. I really enjoy thinking of something I would like to share with anyone who cares and writing it down. I like that other people can read my thoughts and comment if they feel so led. The problem here is that now that my internet is gone, my ability to blog on a whim is gone. So today, I sat down with a friend at Swork to utilize the wireless internet. It is the first time i've been online in over a week. I was welcomed by 73 emails (most of them junk, of course), and a handful of myspace comments. After wading through it all, I decided that now was my big opportunity to update my blog. I opened up a new post and was left wordless and thoughtless, staring at the blank box. So this is my frustration. Hopefully my ability to write has not gone away with my "borrowed" wireless internet. Maybe in the future I will keep a handy list of things I'd like to blog about when the chance presents itself. Until then, this will have to do.